Flowers of West Bengal पश्चिम बंगाल
Discover the diverse and captivating floral treasures that thrive in the verdant landscapes of West Bengal.
From the exotic Himalayan Blue Poppy to the vibrant Orange Zinnias, West Bengal is home to an array of striking and colorful flower species. The region's tropical climate and lush vegetation provide the ideal environment for these stunning blooms to flourish. Take a stroll through the local gardens and parks to witness the beauty of West Bengal's floral abundance.
Agnijhara (অগ্নিঝারা) - Firecracker Flower (Crossandra infundibuliformis)
Agnijhara is a bright orange flower with tubular petals. It blooms throughout the year and is commonly seen in Bengali gardens and floral decorations.
Bakul (বকুল) - Mimusops elengi (Spanish Cherry)
Bakul is a fragrant flower with white petals and a sweet aroma. It is often associated with love and romance in Bengali literature and folklore.
Bel (বেল) - Aegle marmelos (Bael)
Bel is a sacred tree in Hinduism, and its flowers have religious significance. They are offered to Lord Shiva and Goddess Lakshmi and are used in traditional medicine.
Champa (চাঁপা) - Plumeria (Frangipani)
Champa is a fragrant flower with white or yellow petals. It is commonly used in Bengali culture for making garlands and offering in temples.
Chandramallika (চন্দ্রমল্লিকা) - Night-blooming Jasmine (Cestrum nocturnum)
Chandramallika is a small, white flower that blooms at night, emitting a sweet fragrance. It is often used in Bengali literature and songs to symbolize beauty and romance.
Dahlia (ডেলিয়া) - Dahlia spp. (Dahlia)
Dahlia is a popular garden flower known for its diverse colors, shapes, and sizes. It blooms throughout the summer and adds a splash of color to Bengali gardens.
Gandharaj (গন্ধরাজ) - Gardenia jasminoides (Cape Jasmine)
Gandharaj is a fragrant white flower with glossy leaves. It is often used in Bengali cuisine and traditional hair ornaments.
Gokul (গোকুল) - Nymphaea spp. (Water Lily)
Gokul, also known as Shapla in Bengali, is a water plant with large, floating leaves and beautiful white or pink flowers. It is a symbol of purity and divine beauty.
Golap (গোলাপ) - Rosa spp. (Rose)
Golap is one of the most beloved flowers in Bengali culture, symbolizing love, beauty, and affection. Roses come in various colors and are used extensively in floral arrangements and decorations.
Jaba (জবা) - Hibiscus (Roselle)
Jaba is a type of hibiscus flower with red petals and a prominent stamen. It is commonly used in Bengali rituals and ceremonies.
Jharna (ঝর্ণা) - Ixora spp. (Ixora)
Jharna is a small, colorful flower commonly found in Bengali gardens. It comes in various shades of red, orange, and yellow and is known for its ornamental value.
Jui (জুঈ) - Jasminum sambac (Jasmine)
Jui is a highly fragrant flower with white petals. It is used in Bengali weddings, festivals, and religious ceremonies as a symbol of purity and auspiciousness.
Kadam (কদম) - Neolamarckia cadamba (Burflower Tree)
Kadam is a yellow, ball-shaped flower that blooms during the monsoon season. It has a sweet fragrance and is often used in worship and decoration.
Kanchan (কাঞ্চন) - Bauhinia variegata (Orchid Tree)
Kanchan is a flowering tree with large, showy blooms in shades of pink, purple, or white. It is commonly seen in Bengali gardens and parks.
Krishnachura (কৃষ্ণচূড়া) - Delonix regia (Royal Poinciana)
Also known as the Flame Tree, Krishnachura is known for its vibrant red-orange flowers that bloom during the summer.
Makal (মাকাল) - Michelia champaca (Champak)
Makal is a fragrant yellow flower with a strong, sweet aroma. It is used in Bengali rituals, especially during weddings and religious ceremonies.
Nagalinga Pushpa (নাগালিংগা পুষ্প) - Couroupita guianensis (Cannonball Tree)
Nagalinga Pushpa is a unique flower with petals arranged in a circular pattern. It is associated with Lord Shiva and is often found in temple gardens.
Nandibati (নন্দিবতী) - Mussaenda spp. (Mussaenda)
Nandibati is a tropical shrub with colorful bracts surrounding small, white flowers. It is commonly grown in Bengali gardens and used in floral arrangements.
Palash (পলাশ) - Butea monosperma (Flame of the Forest)
Palash is a vibrant orange-red flower that blooms during spring. It is often associated with Holi, the festival of colors, and is used to make natural dyes.
Parijat (পারিজাত) - Nyctanthes arbor-tristis (Night-flowering Jasmine)
Parijat is a fragrant flower that blooms at night, especially during the autumn months. It is associated with Bengali festivals like Kojagari Lakshmi Puja.
Radha-chura (রাধাচূড়া) - Mussaenda erythrophylla (Ashanti Blood)
Radha-chura is known for its bright red bracts and small, white flowers. It is named after Radha, the consort of Lord Krishna, and is associated with love and devotion.
Rangan (রংগন) - Bougainvillea spp. (Bougainvillea)
Rangan is a flowering vine known for its vibrant bracts in shades of pink, red, purple, or orange. It is often grown as an ornamental plant in Bengali homes and gardens.
Shankhachura (শঙ্খচূড়া) - Mussaenda spp. (Mussaenda)
Shankhachura is a tropical shrub with colorful bracts surrounding small, white flowers. It is popularly grown in gardens and used in floral arrangements.
Shefali (শেফালি) - Nyctanthes sambac (Parijat)
Shefali is a delicate, white flower with a sweet fragrance. It blooms at night and is associated with autumn and festivals like Sharad Purnima.
Shimul (শিমুল) - Bombax ceiba (Silk Cotton Tree)
Shimul is a majestic tree with bright red flowers that bloom during the spring season. It is often associated with Bengali festivals and cultural events. It is a symbol of the spring season and is used in Bengali folk songs and poetry.
Shiuli (শিউলি) - Nyctanthes arbor-tristis (Night-flowering Jasmine)
Shiuli is a fragrant flower that blooms at night, especially during the autumn months. It holds cultural significance in Bengal and is associated with festivals like Kojagari Lakshmi Puja.
Tuberose (রজনীগন্ধা) - Polianthes tuberosa
Rajnigandha, as it is commonly known in Bengali, is a highly fragrant flower with white petals. It is used in perfumes, garlands, and religious ceremonies.
These are some of the rich floral diversity found in West Bengal, each contributing to the cultural heritage and natural beauty of the region.
Introduction to the Diverse Flora
Floral Abundance
West Bengal is home to a staggering array of unique and captivating flowers, each with its own distinct features and cultural significance.
Diverse Ecosystems
The region's varied landscapes, from lush forests to serene wetlands, provide the perfect habitats for a wide range of floral species to thrive.
Cultural Significance
Flowers hold deep cultural and spiritual meaning in West Bengal, woven into the fabric of the region's rich heritage and traditions.
Iconic Flowers of the Region


The lotus, known for its spiritual symbolism and graceful beauty, is a beloved icon of West Bengal's floral landscape.


Jasmine, with its delicate, fragrant blooms, is a quintessential flower that has long been cherished in West Bengal's culture and traditions.


The vibrant, golden marigold is a common sight in West Bengal, often used in religious ceremonies and decorations.
Seasonal Blooms


The spring season in West Bengal brings a burst of color, with flowers like the hibiscus and bougainvillea in full bloom.


Summer in West Bengal is marked by the vibrant, fragrant blossoms of the water lily and the captivating lotus.


As the seasons change, the landscape transforms, with the brilliant hues of the chrysanthemum and the delicate petals of the kash flower.
Medicinal and Aromatic Flowers
Medicinal Marvels
Many flowers found in West Bengal possess remarkable medicinal properties, with uses in traditional and modern medicine.
Aromatic Allure
The region's floral bounty includes a wealth of fragrant blooms, which are highly prized for their essential oils and use in perfumery.
Cultural Significance
The medicinal and aromatic flowers of West Bengal hold deep cultural significance, woven into the region's rich traditions and practices.
Economic Importance
These special flowers play a crucial role in the local economy, supporting industries ranging from healthcare to cosmetics.
Endangered and Protected Species
Safeguarding West Bengal's Floral Heritage
Many of the region's unique and captivating flowers face threats of habitat loss, overexploitation, and climate change, requiring concerted conservation efforts to protect these precious floral treasures.
Conservation Initiatives and Partnerships
  • Establishment of protected areas and wildlife sanctuaries
  • Collaborative efforts with local communities and organizations
  • Research and monitoring programs to study endangered species
Flower-based Crafts and Industries
Floral Crafts
West Bengal's rich floral heritage has given rise to a vibrant tradition of flower-based crafts, from garland-making to flower art.
The region's aromatic flowers, such as jasmine and rose, are highly prized for their essential oils used in the perfume industry.
Many of West Bengal's medicinal and aromatic flowers find use in the production of natural, eco-friendly cosmetic products.
Culinary Uses
Certain edible flowers from West Bengal are incorporated into the region's rich culinary traditions, adding unique flavors and aesthetics.
Conservation Efforts and Initiatives
Habitat Restoration
Efforts to restore and conserve the natural habitats of endangered flower species in West Bengal.
Sustainable Practices
Promoting sustainable cultivation and harvesting methods to ensure the long-term viability of West Bengal's floral resources.
Community Engagement
Engaging local communities in conservation initiatives to foster a sense of ownership and stewardship over the region's floral treasures.
Conclusion: Preserving the Floral Treasures
The flowers of West Bengal are a testament to the region's natural beauty and cultural richness. By working together to protect and preserve these floral treasures, we can ensure that they continue to captivate and inspire generations to come.