Flowers of Bihar बिहार
Discover the captivating floral diversity of Bihar, where nature's canvas is painted with a dazzling array of blooms that captivate the senses.
As you stroll through the lush landscapes, you'll be greeted by vibrant fields of marigolds, towering sunflowers, and delicate jasmine. The fragrant aroma that permeates the air adds an enchanting touch to the whole experience, making it a paradise for nature lovers and photographers alike. Every season brings its own splendor, with cherry blossoms blooming in spring, vibrant dahlias in summer, and colorful chrysanthemums in autumn. The state's rich soil and favorable climate create the perfect conditions for these magnificent flowers to flourish, attracting a plethora of native and migratory birds that enhance the beauty of the already picturesque landscapes. From the iconic lotus in ancient ponds to the wildflowers that carpet the meadows, Bihar's floral beauty is a sight to behold.
Bougainvillea (बोगनवेलिया) - Bougainvillea glabra
Bougainvillea is known for its vibrant and colorful bracts. It is commonly used in landscaping and garden decoration.
Chameli (चमेली) - Jasmine (Jasminum)
Jasmine is celebrated for its fragrant white flowers. It is widely used in making perfumes and traditional medicine and is also planted for ornamental purposes.
Champa (चंपा) - Plumeria (Plumeria rubra)
Plumeria flowers are known for their strong, sweet fragrance and beautiful appearance. They are often used in garlands and religious offerings.
Dahlia (डहेलिया) - Dahlia (Dahlia pinnata)
Dahlias are popular garden flowers known for their large, colorful blooms. They are widely used in ornamental gardening and floral arrangements.
Genda (गेंदा) - Marigold (Tagetes)
Known for its vibrant yellow and orange flowers, marigolds are commonly used in religious ceremonies, festivals, and for decorative purposes.
Gudhal (गुड़हल) - Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)
Hibiscus flowers are large and colorful, often used for ornamental purposes. They also have medicinal properties, such as treating respiratory and skin conditions.
Guldawudi (गुलदाउदी) - Guldaudi (Chrysanthemum indicum)
Chrysanthemums come in a variety of colors and shapes, making them popular for floral arrangements and ornamental purposes.
Harsingar (हरसिंगार) / Parijat (पारिजात) - Nyctanthes arbor-tristis
Known for its fragrant white flowers with an orange center, Parijat blooms at night and falls off in the morning. It holds cultural significance and is used in traditional medicine.
Kamal (कमल) - Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera)
The lotus flower symbolizes purity and beauty. It holds significant cultural and religious importance and is used in traditional medicine.
Palash (पलाश) - Palash (Butea monosperma)
Known as the "Flame of the Forest," this tree produces vibrant red or orange flowers. It is used in traditional Holi celebrations and has medicinal properties.
Surajmukhi (सूरजमुखी) - Sunflower (Helianthus annuus)
Sunflowers are notable for their large, bright yellow flowers that follow the sun. They are cultivated for their seeds and oil, which are valued for their nutritional and medicinal benefits.
These flowers not only enhance the natural beauty of Bihar but also hold cultural, medicinal, and economic significance in the region.
Diverse Flora
The serene and sacred lotus, Bihar's state flower, thrives in its waterways, symbolizing purity and spiritual enlightenment.
The vibrant marigold, often used in religious and cultural ceremonies, adds a warm and joyful touch to Bihar's floral landscape.
The tropical hibiscus, with its bold and beautiful blooms, is a beloved sight in Bihar's gardens and parks.
Lotus: The State Flower


Sacred Symbol
The lotus, deeply rooted in Bihar's culture and spirituality, is a symbol of purity, enlightenment, and the connection between the earthly and divine.


Aquatic Wonder
Thriving in Bihar's waterways, the lotus adapts to its environment, with its roots anchored in the mud and its blooms rising above the surface.


Artistic Inspiration
The lotus's captivating beauty has inspired artists, poets, and craftspeople, who incorporate its graceful form into various art forms and designs.
Marigold: The Vibrant Bloom


Cultural Significance
Marigolds hold a special place in Bihar's cultural traditions, often used in religious ceremonies, festivals, and celebrations.


Medicinal Properties
The marigold's therapeutic properties have been recognized in traditional medicine, making it a versatile and valuable plant.


Vibrant Aesthetics
With their vivid hues and cheerful appearance, marigolds add a touch of warmth and joy to Bihar's landscape.


Versatile Applications
Marigolds are used in a variety of ways, from garnishing dishes to creating beautiful floral arrangements.
Hibiscus: The Tropical Delight
Captivating Blooms
The hibiscus, with its large, showy flowers and vibrant colors, is a true showstopper in Bihar's gardens and parks.
Versatile Uses
Hibiscus has a wide range of uses, from being a popular ingredient in teas and juices to being used in traditional medicine and cosmetics.
Adaptable Nature
The hardy and adaptable hibiscus thrives in Bihar's warm, tropical climate, making it a beloved and ubiquitous part of the local flora.
Symbolic Meaning
In Bihar, the hibiscus is often associated with beauty, love, and feminine power, making it a cherished flower in the region.
Sunflower: The Cheerful Companion
Radiant Presence
The sunflower's bright, cheerful appearance adds a touch of warmth and optimism to Bihar's floral landscape.
Symbolic Significance
In Bihar, the sunflower is often associated with happiness, positivity, and the celebration of life's simple joys.
Versatile Uses
Sunflowers have a range of practical applications, from providing edible seeds to being used in the production of cooking oil and biofuels.
Orchids: The Exotic Beauties
Captivating Orchids of Bihar
Bihar's orchid species, known for their stunning and intricate blooms, are a true treasure trove for nature enthusiasts and botanists alike.
  • Diverse Varieties
  • Unique Adaptations
  • Ecological Significance
Preserving Bihar's Orchid Heritage
Efforts are underway to protect and conserve Bihar's diverse orchid species, ensuring the continued flourishing of these exotic and captivating flowers.
  • Habitat Conservation
  • Sustainable Cultivation
  • Eco-tourism Initiatives
Preserving Bihar's Floral Heritage
Conservation Efforts
Initiatives to protect and preserve Bihar's diverse floral ecosystems are crucial for the long-term sustainability of the region's natural beauty.
Educational Outreach
Increasing public awareness and appreciation for Bihar's unique flora through educational programs and community engagement.
Sustainable Practices
Promoting sustainable cultivation and utilization of Bihar's flowers, ensuring their continued abundance for generations to come.
Ecotourism Opportunities
Harnessing the beauty of Bihar's flowers to attract eco-conscious visitors and support local economies while preserving the environment.