Flowers of Assam
Discover the stunning floral diversity of Assam, a northeastern state in India known for its unique and captivating blooms.
The state's rich biodiversity boasts over 500 species of orchids alone. Some notable flowers include the Cobra Lily, Lady Slipper Orchid, and Foxtail Orchid. Take a stroll through the botanical gardens of Guwahati to witness the beauty of these blooms firsthand.
Bheda (ভেদা) - Red Cotton Tree (Bombax ceiba)
The Bheda tree bears large, red flowers that bloom during the spring season, adding a splash of color to the landscape.
Bhimkanta Phool (ভীমকণ্ঠ ফুল) - Eurya acuminata (Wild Rose)
This wild rose species is native to Assam and is known for its fragrant white flowers.
Bihuful (বিহুফুল) - Assam Cherry (Muntingia calabura)
This flowering tree is known for its small, cherry-like fruits and delicate white flowers.
Bokul (বকুল) - Indian Medlar (Mimusops elengi)
The Bokul tree produces small, fragrant white flowers that are highly prized in Assamese culture for their beauty and aroma.
Dholkopou (ধ'লকপৌ) - Rattlepod (Sesbania grandiflora)
This flower is known for its bright yellow blossoms and is commonly found in Assam.
Dhuturar Ful (ধুতৰাৰ ফুল) - Jasmine (Jasminum)
Jasmine flowers are popular for their fragrance and are often used in Assamese weddings and religious ceremonies.
Haital (হাইতাল) - Alstroemeria (Peruvian Lily)
Also known as the Lily of the Incas, Haital flowers come in various colors and are often used in floral arrangements and bouquets.
Halua Pushpa (হালুৱা পুষ্প) - Sunflower (Helianthus annuus)
Sunflowers are cultivated in Assam for their seeds and oil, and they add a bright touch to the landscape.
Hempap (হেঁপাহ) - Hibiscus (Red Hibiscus)
This flower is commonly found in Assam and is used in various religious rituals.
Hengool (হেংগুল) - Impatiens balsamina (Garden Balsam)
Hengool flowers are known for their vibrant colors and distinctive shape, resembling miniature roses.
Hibaru (হিবাৰু) - Impatiens (Impatiens walleriana)
These shade-loving flowers are commonly found in Assam's forests and gardens, adding pops of color with their pink, white, and purple blossoms.
Jui (জুঈ) - Jasmine (Jasminum sambac)
Jui flowers are highly fragrant and are commonly used in Assamese weddings, festivals, and religious ceremonies.
Kalmegh (কালমেঘ) - Andrographis paniculata (King of Bitters)
While primarily valued for its medicinal properties, Kalmegh also produces small white flowers with greenish-purple veins.
Kanaklata (কনকলতা) - Golden Trumpet Tree (Tabebuia chrysantha)
This tree species blooms with vibrant yellow flowers and is native to Assam.
Kekur (কেকুৰ) - Banana Blossom (Musa spp.)
The banana blossom is used as a vegetable in Assamese cuisine and has a unique appearance.
Khirai (খিৰাই) - Screw Pine (Pandanus fascicularis)
Khirai flowers are unique and have a cone-like appearance. They are often used in Assamese rituals and offerings.
Koloshi (কলচী) - Water Lily (Nymphaea spp.)
Water lilies are found in ponds and wetlands across Assam and are known for their floating leaves and colorful flowers.
Kopou (কপৌ) - Clitoria ternatea (Butterfly Pea)
This vine produces striking blue flowers that are often used to make herbal tea and natural dyes in Assam.
Kopou Phool (কপৌ ফুল) - Rhynchostylis retusa (Fox Tail Orchid)
This is the state flower of Assam and is widely used in cultural and religious ceremonies.
Kopouful (কপৌফুল) - Renanthera imschootiana (Dendrobium orchid)
This is another type of orchid found in Assam, known for its vibrant purple flowers.
Lotkon (লতকন) - Lilium (Lily)
Lilium flowers are also grown in Assam and are appreciated for their beauty and fragrance.
Oxikuri (অঁশিকুৰি) - Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea)
This flowering plant is appreciated for its colorful bracts, which come in shades of pink, purple, red, and white.
Rongon (ৰংগন) - Cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus)
Cosmos flowers are known for their colorful blooms and are often grown as ornamental plants in gardens.
Rupohi (ৰূপহী) - Hibiscus (Yellow Hibiscus)
This variety of hibiscus is known for its bright yellow flowers and is commonly found in Assam.
Sonaru (চনাৰু) - Marigold (Tagetes)
Marigolds are commonly grown in Assam for their vibrant orange and yellow flowers, which are used in religious rituals and decorations.
Tengamani (টেঙামণি) - Tecoma stans (Yellow Bells)
Tengamani flowers are known for their bright yellow clusters and are commonly found in gardens and landscapes across Assam.
Tora (তৰা) - Night-blooming Jasmine (Nyctanthes arbor-tristis)
Tora is known for its fragrant white flowers and is used in religious ceremonies.
These are just a few more examples of the beautiful flowers found in Assam, each with its own unique charm and significance in the cultural and natural landscape of the region.
Orchids of Assam
Diverse Orchids
Assam is home to a remarkable variety of orchid species, from delicate lady's slippers to vibrant Vanda orchids.
Unique Habitats
These orchids thrive in the region's humid, subtropical forests and high-altitude mountain environments.
Conservation Efforts
Many orchid species in Assam are endangered, prompting conservation initiatives to protect these natural treasures.
Rhododendrons of Assam


Diverse Habitats
Rhododendrons in Assam can be found in a range of environments, from the lowland forests to the high-altitude mountain regions.


Seasonal Blooms
These beautiful flowers put on a stunning display, with different species blooming at various times throughout the year.


Conservation Challenges
Deforestation and habitat loss pose threats to many rhododendron species in Assam, making conservation efforts crucial.
Lotus Flowers of Assam
Sacred Symbol
The lotus flower holds great cultural and spiritual significance in Assam, representing purity, enlightenment, and divine beauty.
Versatile Uses
In addition to their aesthetic appeal, lotus flowers are used in traditional Assamese cuisine and medicine.
Conservation Efforts
Wetland conservation initiatives are crucial to protect the natural habitats of these iconic Assamese flowers.
Assamese Names
The lotus flower is known as "Xukleng" in the local Assamese language.
Lilies of Assam


Diverse Varieties
Assam is home to a wide range of lily species, including the iconic tiger lily and the delicate Asiatic lily.


Cultural Significance
Lilies hold a special place in Assamese culture, often used in religious ceremonies and celebrations.


Conservation Concerns
Deforestation and habitat loss threaten many lily species, requiring conservation efforts to protect Assam's floral heritage.
Assamese Names of Common Flowers
Rosa (Xukleng)
The iconic rose, known as "Xukleng" in Assamese.
Helianthus (Suryā Phul)
The bright and cheerful sunflower, called "Suryā Phul" in Assamese.
Tagetes (Golor Phul)
The vibrant marigold, known as "Golor Phul" in the local language.
Jasminum (Mōlik Phul)
The fragrant jasmine, called "Mōlik Phul" in Assamese.
Endangered and Rare Flowers of Assam
Protecting Assam's Floral Gems
Assam's unique geography and climate have given rise to numerous rare and endangered flower species, such as the iconic Shirui Lily and the elusive Pitcher Plant. Conservation efforts are crucial to safeguard these natural treasures for future generations.
Challenges to Floral Diversity
  • Habitat loss due to deforestation and urbanization
  • Unsustainable collection and trade of rare flowers
  • Climate change and its impact on delicate ecosystems
Conservation Efforts for Assam's Floral Diversity
Habitat Restoration
Reforestation and wetland conservation projects to revive the natural habitats of Assam's unique flora.
Sustainable Cultivation
Developing sustainable farming practices and propagation techniques for endangered flower species.
Community Engagement
Involving local communities in conservation efforts and promoting eco-tourism to raise awareness.