Flowers of Odisha ଓଡ଼ିଶା
Discover the breathtaking floral diversity of Odisha, a state in India known for its stunning array of indigenous and rare flower species.
From vibrant orchids to delicate hibiscus, Odisha's flower species will captivate your senses with their vibrant colors and enchanting fragrances. Whether you explore the lush gardens or venture into the untamed forests, you'll be greeted by a symphony of blooms that showcases the natural beauty of this region.
Ashoka (ଅଶୋକ) - Saraca asoca
The Ashoka tree is celebrated for its beautiful, fragrant orange-yellow flowers. It holds great cultural and religious significance and is also used in traditional medicine.
Champa (ଚମ୍ପା) - Plumeria
Champa flowers are known for their strong, sweet fragrance and beautiful appearance. They are often used in garlands and religious offerings.
Kadamba (କଦମ୍ବ) - Neolamarckia cadamba
This tree produces fragrant, ball-shaped yellow flowers and is significant in various cultural and religious traditions. It is also used in traditional medicine.
Kanchana (କଞ୍ଚନ) - Bauhinia variegata
This tree produces beautiful pink or white orchid-like flowers and is often used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments.
Kendu (କେନ୍ଦୁ) - Diospyros melanoxylon
Known for its fragrant flowers and edible fruits, the Kendu plant is also valued for its leaves, which are used to make traditional Indian beedi (hand-rolled cigarettes).
Ketaki (କେତକୀ) - Pandanus odorifer
Known for its fragrant white or yellow flowers, Ketaki is used in perfumes and traditional medicine. The plant is also significant in various cultural and religious rituals.
Mahul (ମାହୁଲ) - Madhuka (Madhuca longifolia)
The Madhuka tree produces small, white flowers that are used to make traditional alcoholic beverages and have medicinal properties. The tree is also culturally significant.
Mandara (ମନ୍ଦାରା) - Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
The Hibiscus flower is widely grown for its large, colorful blooms and is commonly used in religious offerings and traditional medicine.
Palash (ପଲାଶ) - Butea monosperma
Known as the "Flame of the Forest," this tree produces vibrant red or orange flowers. It is used in traditional Holi celebrations and has medicinal properties.
Parijat (ପରିଜାତ) - Nyctanthes arbor-tristis
Known for its fragrant white flowers with an orange center, Parijat blooms at night and falls off in the morning. It holds cultural significance and is used in traditional medicine.
Rajanigandha (ରାଜନୀଗନ୍ଧା) - Polianthes tuberosa
This plant is celebrated for its intensely fragrant white flowers, which are often used in perfumes, garlands, and floral decorations.
Simuli (ସିମୁଲି) - Bombax ceiba
This tree produces large, bright red flowers and is known for its medicinal properties. The fibers from its fruits are used to make lightweight cushions and life jackets.
These flowers not only add to the natural beauty of Odisha but also hold cultural, medicinal, and economic significance in the region.
Introduction to Odisha's Floral Diversity
Unique Ecosystems
Odisha's diverse landscapes, from coastal regions to dense forests, harbor a wide variety of flower species adapted to thrive in these unique environments.
Rich Cultural Heritage
Flowers hold deep significance in Odisha's cultural traditions, often featuring in festivals, art, and handicrafts.
Ecological Importance
Odisha's flowers play a crucial role in supporting the state's diverse wildlife, serving as food sources and habitats for pollinators and other organisms.
Iconic Flowers of Odisha


The iconic kewda flower, with its distinctive fragrance, is widely cultivated in Odisha and used in traditional perfumes and rituals.


The sacred chandana flower, also known as the Indian lotus, is revered in Odisha's Hindu temples and used in religious ceremonies.


The vibrant, fire-red palash flower blooms in the spring, painting Odisha's landscapes with its stunning display.


The delicate, yellow kusuma flower is an integral part of Odisha's traditional handicrafts, adorning textiles and artworks.
Rare and Endangered Flower Species
Protecting Odisha's Floral Heritage
Odisha is home to numerous rare and endangered flower species, such as the elusive Jadamani and the fragile Gandharaj, which face threats from habitat loss and climate change. Conservation efforts are crucial to safeguarding these precious botanical gems.
Community-led Initiatives
  • Local communities in Odisha play a vital role in preserving rare flowers through traditional knowledge and sustainable cultivation practices.
  • Grassroots organizations work to raise awareness and engage the public in flower conservation efforts across the state.
Odisha's Flower Festivals and Celebrations


Kewda Festival
The annual Kewda Festival celebrates the iconic kewda flower, highlighting its cultural significance and traditional uses in Odisha.


Puri Flower Show
The vibrant Puri Flower Show features an impressive display of Odisha's diverse flora, drawing visitors from across the state and beyond.


Flower Carnivals
Lively flower carnivals in Odisha's cities and towns showcase the state's floral heritage through music, dance, and artistic performances.
Medicinal and Aromatic Flowers of Odisha
Therapeutic Properties
Many of Odisha's flowers possess medicinal and aromatic properties, with uses in traditional Ayurvedic and folk remedies.
The fragrant kewda flower is widely used in Odisha for its calming and stress-relieving properties, as well as in perfumes and cosmetics.
The sacred chandana flower is valued for its cooling and skin-soothing effects, and is used in Odisha's wellness and beauty traditions.
The delicate champa flower is prized for its sweet, floral aroma and is used in incense, aromatherapy, and traditional medicine in Odisha.
Odisha's Flower-based Handicrafts and Products
Floral Textiles
Odisha's renowned textile traditions feature intricate floral motifs and embroidery, showcasing the state's vibrant flower heritage.
Floral Jewelry
Delicate floral-inspired jewelry, often incorporating dried and preserved flowers, is a popular craft in Odisha.
Floral Candles
Fragrant, flower-infused candles are a cherished Odisha handicraft, capturing the essence of the state's botanical wealth.
Floral Art
Odisha's artists create stunning floral paintings and illustrations that showcase the region's diverse and vibrant flowers.
Conservation Efforts for Odisha's Floral Heritage
Research and Monitoring
Ongoing scientific studies aim to identify and document Odisha's rare and endangered flower species, laying the groundwork for conservation efforts.
Habitat Restoration
Initiatives to protect and restore natural habitats are crucial for safeguarding Odisha's diverse floral ecosystems.
Community Engagement
Engaging local communities in flower conservation, through education and sustainable cultivation practices, helps to preserve Odisha's botanical heritage.