Flowers of Maharashtra
Discover the vibrant and diverse floral wonders that thrive in the state of Maharashtra, India.
From the colorful fields of lavender in the region of Mahabaleshwar to the enchanting orchids found in the Western Ghats, Maharashtra is a haven for flower enthusiasts. With its diverse climate and rich biodiversity, the state offers a captivating display of blooming beauties throughout the year. Embark on a floral journey and immerse yourself in the natural splendor of Maharashtra.
Aboli (अबोली) - Crossandra infundibuliformis
Known for its bright orange flowers, Aboli is a popular ornamental plant. It blooms profusely and is used in traditional garlands and decorations.
Ashok (अशोक) / Raktashok (रक्ताशोक) - Sita Ashok (Saraca asoca)
This sacred tree is revered in Hindu culture. It has fragrant, bright orange-yellow flowers and is known for its medicinal properties, especially in treating gynecological issues.
Bakuli (बकुळी) - Mimusops elengi
This tree has highly fragrant, small white flowers and is often used in making garlands and for ornamental purposes. Its bark and fruit have medicinal uses.
Brahma Kamal (ब्रह्म कमळ) - Saussurea obvallata
This rare flower, often associated with myths and legends, blooms at night and has significant religious importance. It is found in the Himalayan regions and is celebrated for its beauty and medicinal properties.
Champa (चंपा) / Sonchafa (सोनचाफा) - Sonchafa (Michelia champaca)
The golden-yellow flowers of this tree are highly fragrant and are used in perfumes and religious offerings. The tree is also valued for its medicinal properties.
Gulmohar (गुलमोहर) - Delonix regia
Famous for its vibrant red and orange flowers, the Gulmohar is a popular ornamental tree. Its broad canopy provides excellent shade.
Kanchan (कांचन) - Kaanta (Bauhinia variegata)
Known for its orchid-like, purple, or white flowers, this tree is often planted for its ornamental value. It has medicinal uses, especially in treating skin diseases and ulcers.
Kardali (कर्दळी) - Canna indica
Known for its vibrant red, orange, or yellow flowers, Kardali is often planted in gardens for ornamental purposes. The plant also has uses in traditional medicine.
Karvi (कारवी) - Kashid (Strobilanthes callosa)
This unique plant flowers once every seven to eight years, creating a spectacular bloom that attracts many visitors. The flowers are purple-blue and cover entire hillsides during their blooming season.
Kewda (केवडा) - Kevda (Pandanus odorifer)
This plant is known for its fragrant flowers, which are used to extract aromatic oil and in the preparation of traditional attars (perfumes). The flowers are also used in religious rituals.
Kund (कुंद) - Kunda (Jasminum multiflorum)
This jasmine variety is known for its profuse white, star-shaped flowers that have a mild fragrance. It is often used in making garlands and for ornamental purposes. These flowers not only enhance the natural beauty of Maharashtra but also have cultural, medicinal, and economic significance in the region.
Kusum (कुसुम) - Schleichera oleosa
The small, greenish-yellow flowers of this tree are not particularly showy, but the tree is valued for its oil-rich seeds and its timber.
Nagfani (नागफणी) - Nagphani (Opuntia elatior)
A cactus species with bright yellow flowers, Nagphani is adapted to dry, arid conditions and has medicinal uses in treating wounds and digestive issues.
Nagkesar (नागकेसर) - (Mesua ferrea)
The flowers of this tree are highly fragrant and used in making perfumes. The tree is also valued for its timber and medicinal properties.
Nirgudi (निरगुडी) - (Vitex negundo)
This shrub is known for its lavender flowers and is widely used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments, including respiratory and skin conditions.
Parijat (पारिजात) / Harshringar (हरशृंगार) - Nyctanthes arbor-tristis
Known for its fragrant white flowers with orange stems, Parijat blooms at night and falls by morning, symbolizing its name "Tree of Sorrow." It is used in traditional medicine and in religious rituals.
Rui (रूई) - Calotropis gigantea
Known for its large, white to lavender flowers, Rui has significant medicinal properties, particularly in Ayurveda for treating various ailments.
Sadafuli (सदाफुली) / Nayantara (नयनतारा) - Catharanthus roseus
This evergreen shrub is known for its pink or white flowers and has significant medicinal properties, especially in the treatment of cancer and diabetes.
Shalmali (शालमली) - Shalmali (Bombax ceiba)
This tree is known for its large, red flowers and is often planted for its ornamental value. The cotton-like substance from its seed pods is used in making pillows and mattresses.
Varun (वरुण) - Tamhan (Crataeva religiosa)
Known for its beautiful white flowers with yellow stamens, this tree is often found near temples and is used in traditional medicine for its detoxifying properties.
These flowers further illustrate the diverse and rich floral heritage of Maharashtra, each with its unique regional names, cultural significance, and special properties.
Diversity of Flora
Tropical Blooms
Maharashtra's tropical climate supports a rich diversity of flowering plants, from vibrant orchids to fragrant jasmines.
Medicinal Herbs
Many of the state's flowers and plants have been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for centuries.
Unique Adaptations
The region's varied topography has led to the evolution of flowers with remarkable survival strategies.
Endemic Species


Endangered Endemics
Many of Maharashtra's endemic flowers are threatened by habitat loss and climate change.


Botanical Treasures
These unique species are a vital part of the state's natural heritage and must be protected.


Biodiversity Hotspot
Maharashtra is considered a biodiversity hotspot, home to numerous rare and threatened plants.
Seasonal Blooms


Spring Flowers
The onset of spring brings a vibrant display of blossoms, from delicate orchids to bold marigolds.


Monsoon Wonders
The summer monsoons nurture a profusion of blooms, including the iconic lotus and water lilies.


Autumn Splendor
As the year winds down, Maharashtra's landscapes are painted with the warm hues of autumn flowers.
Conservation Efforts
Protecting Maharashtra's Floral Wealth
Numerous conservation initiatives are underway to safeguard the state's endangered and endemic flowers, including habitat restoration, sustainable cultivation, and public awareness campaigns.
Community-Based Stewardship
Local communities are actively involved in preserving the region's floral heritage, using traditional knowledge and modern scientific methods to ensure a sustainable future.
Medicinal and Aromatic Flowers
Used in Ayurvedic medicine and for its soothing, calming aroma.
Prized for its intoxicating floral scent and therapeutic properties.
Its vibrant flowers contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds.
Known for its relaxing fragrance and use in traditional remedies.
Floriculture and Horticulture
Commercial Cultivation
Maharashtra's ideal climate and fertile soils make it a hub for commercial flower and plant production.
Ornamental Horticulture
The state is renowned for its thriving horticulture industry, supplying flowers and foliage for landscaping and decor.
Sustainable Practices
Growers are adopting eco-friendly techniques to reduce environmental impact and ensure long-term sustainability.
Floral Artistry
Maharashtra's flowers are used in traditional and modern floral arrangements, showcasing their natural beauty.
Eco-tourism and Flower Festivals
Wildflower Treks
Visitors can explore Maharashtra's diverse landscapes and discover its unique floral treasures.
Flower Festivals
Lively celebrations showcase the state's rich floral heritage and traditional cultural practices.
Sustainable accommodations immerse guests in the beauty of Maharashtra's natural environments.